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This is where you can find my policies on everything from retakes and revisions to missed LiveLesson make-ups.


Not happy with the grade you've earned on a test, quiz, or portfolio? (Under 80%)

Complete this revision sheet for tests and quizzes (this automatically makes a copy of a Google Doc for you)

For portfolios, carefully consider the feedback I've left for you. Ask me questions if you have them, but use my feedback to revise.

  • There are no retakes on quick checks, because they're worth such a small percentage of your overall grade.

Alternative Assessments

Not a big fan of tests? Do you just want another way to demonstrate your knowledge? Look no further! Click and read the instructions below carefully to explore the different ways you can demonstrate your knowledge!

Alternative Assessments

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of copying someone else's work and/or words without giving proper credit to them. Research of any kind is not permitted during tests. This includes using AI. 


If you are caught plagiarizing, you will automatically receive a zero.

If it is your first offense, you will receive a warning and be required to watch videos on plagiarism. Once you have webmailed me what you've learned from said videos, you will have the opportunity to resubmit the question/assignment in your own words. You are still able to earn the full points.

If it is your second offense, you will only be able to earn up to 50% of the points back.

Third offenses and beyond will receive permanent zeroes and may warrant a meeting with administration. Per our school handbook, repeated instances of academic dishonesty does put you at risk of being withdrawn from our program.

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